Bernard Blary has been involved in music from the age of four, where he studied the piano with his mother. At the age of eleven, he began his study of the flute with Marian Žekulin and Maureen Bennie until finally studying under Philippa Fitzgerald-Finch (formerly Fullerton) at the University of Calgary. Having won numerous competitions, Bernard Blary has been a featured soloist with a variety of orchestras and has performed hundreds of concerts in the United States, Canada, Europe and South America. In his solo performance, Bernard is known for his technical brilliance and constant striving to push the limits of the instrument. As well as being a soloist, he is equally at ease in chamber and orchestral settings. He has been principle flautist with the Burnaby Symphony Orchestra while under the direction of Leonard Camplin, principal flautist with the Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra under Clyde Mitchell and Paula DeWitt and principal flautist with the Richmond Orchestra under James Malmberg. Bernard has premiered many contemporary works by Canadian, American and European composers and his contributions can be found on numerous recordings. Most recently he made his Austria solo recital premiere with pianist Christopher Devine at the Gesellschaft für Musiktheater in Vienna. Bernard Blary currently resides in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada, where he works as a freelance flautist, teacher, and arranger.