Registration Info & Policies
Private Lessons & Group Classes for 2024/25
Lesson Term
Full-term consists of 36 weeks: September 3, 2024 – June 16, 2025
Lessons Not Billed in 36 Week Term
Christmas Break (December 22, 2024 to January 5, 2025), Scholarship Awards Festival week (February 1 to February 9, 2025) and Spring Break (March 16 to March 30, 2025). Teachers may choose to make up missed lessons during these weeks.
Statutory Holidays
Private lessons that fall on statutory holidays have been included in the 36 week term and will be taught unless other arrangements have been made by the individual teacher. Please verify the schedule with your teacher. Group, Orff, or Music for Babies and Toddlers classes that fall on statutory holidays have not been included. Also, Christmas Break (December 22, 2024 to January 5, 2025), Scholarship Awards Festival week (February 1 to February 9, 2025) and Spring Break (March 16 to March 30, 2025) are also not included in the 36-week term.
Fees & Payment
Annual Registration Fees
These non-refundable fees are payable at the time of registration. All past dues must be paid prior to acceptance of registration.
Annual Membership
An annual membership in the Langley Community Music School Society may be purchased for $10. Membership is optional. A membership is valid from July 1 to June 30 of a given year. Members are entitled to a vote at the LCMS annual general meeting.
Payment Options
Tuition for lessons is due and payable at the time of registration in full by cash, cheque, debit, OR by 8 equal payments by either automatic bank withdrawal on the 1st of each month or 8 post-dated cheques dated September 1 — April 1. Tuition for classes is due & payable at the time of registration in full by cash, cheque, debit, OR with 2 post-dated cheques dated September 1 and February 1. Fees are payable IN ADVANCE of lessons and all post-dated equal payment cheques must be received by the school before September 1; otherwise a $25 service fee will be applied to the account. There will also be a $10 service fee for any late payments received after the 1st of each month. Students may register during the school year (with the exception of Orff classes) and fees will be pro-rated.
Service Charges
Monthly Payment Surcharge – If the equal payment plan is chosen and 8 post-dated cheques are not received by the office by October 1, a $25 service fee will be applied to the account.
Overdue Accounts – Are charged a $10.00 administration fee per month.
Cancellation Fee – Students withdrawing from private lessons are charged a cancellation fee that is equivalent to two lessons.
NSF Cheques – A $21.00 service charge is applied to accounts for each NSF or returned cheque, or declined credit/debit transaction.
Registration Adjustments – There is no charge for the first adjustment; but for each additional adjustment initiated by the student, a $15.00 service is applied to the account.
Very Important – Instructors are directly dependent upon timely student payments. If payment is not received, the instructor is not paid. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Missed Lessons, Cancellations, Transfers & Privacies
Missed Lessons Policy – General
The School is under no obligation to provide refunds or make up lessons unless the lesson is cancelled by the teacher. Lessons missed by the teacher will be re-scheduled or a substitute will be provided. This policy is applicable to online and in-person lessons. Credit requests for lessons missed by the teacher must be received by June 3, 2024. Request forms are available from the Registrar and will be verified with the teacher.
Cancellation Policy
It is understood that registration is for the full term of lessons and that the student has an agreement with the teacher to complete the year. Refunds are permitted only for moving out of the area or prolonged illness or injury (a doctor’s note required). All withdrawal notices must be in writing and be given during the school year (excluding Christmas, Easter, and Spring Break). A cancellation fee equivalent to 2 lessons will apply. Post-dated cheques or the balance of the tuition fee will be returned. There will be no refunds after April 15th. There will be NO refunds for students withdrawing from Ensembles or group classes as they are based on minimum enrolments and a sequential curriculum. If LCMS has to cancel the class, a refund will be provided.
Transfer Policy
Transfers to another teacher should not take place during the year except in consultation with the current teacher. However, in exceptional circumstances, changes can be requested through the Principal and will be accommodated if scheduling permits. Transfer Request Forms are available from the Registrar.
Transfer Policy for Group Classes: due to the nature of these group classes, transferring to another class is not recommended.
Privacy Policy
Your personal information (such as name, phone number, address, email, date of birth, emergency contact, medical condition we need to be aware of) collected on the LCMS registration form will be used for school administration, communication and accounting purposes only. We exercise care and diligence in managing, transmitting, and securing your personal information once it is received. LCMS does not share, transmit, or release your personal information to outside parties, except as required to do so by law.