Music for Babies and Toddlers
3 months – 36 months
Immerse your child in an environment rich with rhythm and rhyme – the building blocks of language.
Give your child an enriching musical experience that is designed to support and celebrate their success as they grow and learn. Classes are structured to provide a comforting routine through which new tasks and activities are introduced in a
calm learning environment.
The year-long narrative format is ideal for building self-awareness, experiencing progressive learning and developing social skills. Classes incorporate songs, rhymes and opportunities to play a variety of instruments.
Family Model
Children participate *together with their parents or caregivers.
- encourages the development of skills at every age
- fosters sensitivity towards others
- encourages a unique parent-child bond
*Parental involvement is mandatory in order to encourage your child’s focus and participation.

Suzuki FUNdamentals!
3 – 5 years
Enjoy learning music fundamentals with your child in the Suzuki style. Strengthen your relationship with your child while enjoying singing, moving and playing percussion and Orff instruments such as xylophones.
Children and parents will begin internalizing songs they will later play on their instruments. This class is a bridging class suitable for families wanting to learn an instrument using the Suzuki method, but are uncertain which instrument might be suitable. After completion of this class, students may continue with the Piano or Violin Preschool Preparatory class or proceed to a masterclass with Suzuki Cello or Harp.
Family Model
Children participate *together with their parents or caregivers.
*Parental involvement is mandatory in order to encourage your child’s focus and participation.
Sing Move & Play!
(Orff Approach)
3 years – 6 years
Learn music fundamentals and develop creativity in a fun environment through song, drama, games, stories, dance and poetry!
These fun classes:
- stimulate creativity
- foster an appreciation for music
- encourage improvisation & composition
- develop social & organizational skills
Progressive Program
Students are grouped by age in order to meet developmental needs. Following the philosophy of “experience first, intellectualize second”, they are introduced to the fundamental concepts of music. Concepts introduced in early classes are built upon in later classes and years.
Prepare for learning an instrument
Skills learned in Orff classes are an ideal preparation for learning an instrument, and are recommended to be taken prior to, and in conjunction with, instrument study.
What is Orff?
In this approach to learning, developed by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman, musicianship is built through singing, playing instruments, speech and movement. Active music-making is the core of this approach, through which learners experience and then internalize musical concepts and ideas. Children who are regularly encouraged to create and develop their own ideas are uniquely prepared to solve problems in other contexts.