bios_LCMS_AlanCAlan Crane has a Bachelor of Music (University of Western Ontario) and a Master of Music in Piano Performance (University of British Columbia).  For the past thirty years he has been teaching a full class of students ranging from young beginners to pre-professional young musicians to adults.  Mr. Crane’s students routinely win awards in music festivals and earn high marks on their Royal Conservatory of Music examinations. In addition to being on the faculty of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra School of Music, where he currently heads the Piano Department, Alan teaches part-time at the Langley Community Music School where he has served as Coordinator of the Piano Program. As well as teaching, Alan Crane is a regular performer, both as a chamber musician (he is a co-director of the popular series West Coast Chamber Music) and as an accompanist. Alan is also active as a festival adjudicator and is a member of the College of Examiners of the Royal Conservatory of Music.